Sunday, 12 February 2012

Vegusto came through!!

Well after a not so favourable review of some of the no-moo cheeses I have found the saviour!! The mild aromatic cheese is actually so good. It is definitely the closest tasting thing to cheese (well in my head anyway- I have probably forgotten the actual taste). It is actually good enough to have a bite of it on its own but I have also done a normal cheese and tomato sandwich and a toasted cheese and luncheon roll (see previous post) sandwich with garlic mayonnaise (vegan of course!) and I must say enjoyed them a lot. It's not something I can see myself eating a lot as it seems quite processed and I would prefer a more vegetable based sandwich usually but it is perfect for a change and especially perfect for a lovely lazy (I wish- dissertation time!) Sunday. Hot cross buns and fruit for breakfast and a cheese and tomato sandwich for lunch; I better have a nice healthy dinner then with plenty of vegetables!

Mild Aromatic No-Moo Cheese

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